About the company

SimpleOne is a Russian developer of solutions for automation of service business processes.
Members of the international group of companies ITGLOBAL.COM.
SimpleOne’s solutions are aimed at corporate and government customers interested in improving the efficiency of business processes by implementing a service approach and striving for digital business transformation.
Our goal is to take a leading position in the global market of ESM-systems (Enterprise Service Management systems) in the coming years.

Our clients

These are large modern enterprises engaged in digital transformation of their business, as well as CSCs (shared service centers) in major Russian and foreign companies.

Логотип компании «Вкусно и точка»
Логотип компании Softline
Логотип электротехнической компании «EKF»
Логотип компании «ITGLOBAL.COM»
Логотип компании «СКАЙРАЙЗ»
Логотип компании «Technology Solutions»
Логотип компании «ВС Лаб»

Our greatest value is our people

SimpleOne is 3 offices and 2 development centers
We are certified experts in ITIL® and VeriSM™
We have more than 10 years of experience in implementing and operating enterprise-level ITSM systems
Experience in developing dozens of high-load Internet projects and high-performance, high-loaded systems

Do you have any questions?
Contact us and our managers will advise you.
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